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Somo Serve – A HR Management company with a difference

While most human resource companies wait for the job seekers to go to their city offices, Somo serve is a Human Resource company with a difference. We understand the challenges most people goes through to educate their children and kins even sometimes selling off all their earthly belongings to educate their sons and daughters. Unemployment rate in Kenya is high and this can be disheartening if one does not get a job or lack a clue where to find one. That is why at Somo serve, we have deliberately chosen the strategy of taking services to the people who need them the most because they cannot even afford the expenses of job hunting in the cities. Nor can most of these rural job seekers afford to buy internet bundles to search for jobs on the internet. Today we were in Kiambu town to create awareness on available job opportunities, locally, regionally and internationally.

Numerous job opportunities with Somo Serve.

There are numerous job opportunities with recruitment agents. But the challenge is that the job agents are not doing enough to reach out to the right job seekers or sometimes as we found out, job seekers have lost faith with recruitment agencies. Somo serve has embarked on a journey visiting many towns to present them with various job opportunities available both locally and internationally. Today we were in Kiambu to tell the people of over 1,000 jobs that we have available in the Gulf States.

The following are the jobs that require to be filled urgently. Click on the link to apply.

Job Seekers challenges

During our meet the people tour in Kiambu, many interviewees expressed the challenges of identifying genuine recruitment agencies. Others expressed the perceived misconceptions of working in Gulf States. A case in point is that of a lady we meet today who was fleeced twice by the so called “agents” in the name of getting her and her niece a job. The fear of unscrupulous businessmen trying to fleece unsuspecting job seekers is real. Thanks to the Government agencies now the bad wagon are being weeded out completely. This makes us organize more tours on the ground to meet the people and explain to them about our agency. First and foremost, Somo Services Agency Limited is Accredited by the Ministry of Labour in Kenya. We have also entered into serious partnerships with gulf state employers with elaborate assurances for security of our job seekers. It is until a recruitment agency like Somo Services Agency Limited goes out to meet the people that can clear such misconceptions and alleviate the fear of being conned while looking for a job.

Which is our next town to visit?

Somo serve will continue to target these many Kenyan youth who are unemployed despite their formal and professional education qualifications by guiding them on where to find job opportunities in and out of Kenya.

We are planning to visit the next town to present the numerous jobs opportunities that we have from our local and international employers. Which town do you think we should visit next?

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