Earlier this week, a group of 54 security guards completed training at TVT Training center in Meru. This training was organized by SoMo Serve in partnership with TVT Training (www.villagefunds.org ). Somoserve (www.somoserve.com) it’s a Human Resource and training company based in Kenya. Part of our services is to train employees on how to add value to their places of work.

This particular group was trained on Security matters and customer service. Sometimes we wish our security guards are trained in customer care since they are the first contact you meet when entering various organizations and buildings. As much as security is paramount to any organization and the buildings they man, it is also of equal importance to equip them with various skills like what to do in case of an emergency like fire and safety precautions to take.

It is in this regard that we SoMo Serve and TVT training organized a training camp for security guards. Part of the training they underwent was the importance of security, fire drill, security procedures and most importantly customer care service. We not only trained active security guards but also trained various persons who expressed interest working as security guards. At the completion of the training, all the trainees were issued with SoMo Serve certificates of completion.
We have a database of those who completed the training and we are satisfied they will be of great help to your organization. Should you require hiring security guards who have undergone training on security procedures, safety drills and customer service you can reach out to us through email md@somoserve.com or fill in the form below.

Part of our services at SoMo Serve includes, Employees training, employee recruitment, background checks and staff entitlement.
If you are a job seeker and would wish to work as a security guard anywhere in Kenya or East Africa follow the link below. Job Seekers click here!
Organizations – Reach us from the Form below;