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Looking forward to a bright year of Hope, Peace, Prosperity and Opportunities

Dear Friend and Partner,

Happy New Year to you and your family!  We, at SoMo Management Company are excited to reconnect with you after that long break occasioned by the uncertainties  of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are happy to announce that we have resumed all our services with renewed enthusiasm and zest because Corona or no Corona we have to continue serving those in need.

As we embark on 2021, we are especially excited at the opportunities and new beginnings that the year has to offer, having come out of a very trying year. 2020 tested our ability to deliver under difficult circumstances and we have come back with renewed commitment to serve our clients as 2021 presents new and exciting opportunities to serve in the area of Employment/Human Resources and Management Services. Some of the primary activities SoMo is involved in are in the area of,  Recruitment (both local and overseas) and Job placement, Job skills analysis, Training and capacity building, Life skills and pre-departure training for migrant workers,  among other activities as opportunities arise to support Kenyans.   No doubt it is going to be tough for many people given the blow Covid-19 has dealt on the economic lives of families but we are prepared to put our minds together with our partners and open new paths of opportunities by challenging our status quo. 2021 will be a year of creating opportunities that would cushion our clients from unforeseen catastrophes like the Corona-19 pandemic.

The entire SoMo Management Company, led by the advisory board and management are all looking forward to a healthy and fruitful collaboration with all the partners in order to usher home the change we so much desire for Kenyan people. With God at the center, all things are possible.

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